Get ahead of the game
with the right training

The CBM is heavily involved in partnership projects in metalforming training with many employers and training organisations to develop specialist programmes for the metalforming and manufacturing sectors.

We expect the Black Country-based skills academy, for year two to year five apprentices in metalforming, to be operating in 2018, and we will also be involved in providing intensive short training courses for employers looking to upskill their current employees. Read more: Elite Centre for Manufacturing Skills

CBM has developed a series of one-day training modules, using specialist technical people from within the industry, covering various hot forging and ancillary processes. The modules are aimed at those working in the forging industry and/or who require awareness as part of a metallurgy involvement. In total we are developing a series of 14 modules and the first six are now ready to be delivered. They will be delivered by highly knowledgeable and experienced people from within the forging industry. More about forging modules: Forging training modules

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